
let's move
the java world

Java-based technologies, dynamic languages, RIA, enterprise architectures, patterns, distributed computing, software craftsmanship and much more...

15-18 May, 2013 Kraków, Poland

Read more about GeeCON and its previous editions!


08 Nov 

GeeCON 2014

The 6th edition of GeeCON invites you to Krakow once again, between May 14-16, 2014!
If you think of presenting, our call for papers starts in December. We hope to see you there!

09 May 

Events: GeeCON and beyond!

GeeCON brings a lot of geekiness into the city. But we decided it's not enough. So.. to all our friends, allow us to introduce GeeCON events, a guide to GeeCON-powered events that you will remember for long!


GeeCON 2012: Jan Kotek - JDBM3

Press corner

Kudos to the organizers - a nice, good organized conference in a beautiful city. I met some old friends from all over the world.


Whoa, those few days of GeeCON – Polish Java conference – just passed way too quick. A lot of great speakers, pretty good organisation and the overwhelming Java climate. Yep, it’s geeky or even nerdy but – what the hell – me like it! ;-)



Organizers & Key partners
