


About UBS

UBS draws on its 150-year heritage to serve private, institutional and corporate clients worldwide, as well as retail clients in Switzerland. Headquartered in Zurich and Basel, Switzerland, UBS has offices in more than 50 countries, including all major financial centres, and employs approximately 62,280 people.

UBS Poland Service Centre (UBS PSC) was established in 2007 and plays an important role in achieving UBS’s goal of being the world’s leading financial services company. UBS PSC provides majority of supporting functions which are crucial to the functioning of the client-facing business divisions, i.e. HR, IT, Finance, Operations.

Our IT Team

Within the technology stream we provide a full range of IT services, including software development, quality assurance, L2/L3 support, systems analysis, and risk assessment. We play an important role in many aspects of software development and improvements for the core area of the applications landscape, ensuring the highest quality of software maintenance and development services. We have developed a long track record of successful projects and initiatives covering the entire application life cycle process and requiring all IT roles.

In addition to our internal IT teams, we work with strategic UBS partners. We develop and maintain applications for UBS, mainly supporting the investment banking business by providing in-house IT solutions and co-creating them with UBS offices around the globe.

Who are we looking for?

Within IT Development we are looking for candidates experienced in IT projects, preferably in the banking and finance sectors. Currently we run many IT projects requiring all key roles, including: software developer, support analyst, business analyst, quality assurance tester, project manager, etc. This wide scope of projects allows us to offer positions to IT individuals with various skill sets or levels of experience.

As we develop and maintain key UBS systems and applications, closely cooperating with teams across the globe, good English communication skills are crucial. In addition, our candidates should be open to further development and learning, as UBS systems require specific and advanced knowledge of both our systems and our complex business requirements in order to deliver the highest quality IT solutions.

To check the variety of our IT roles, please see:

Organizers & Key partners
