Marcin Nowak



Marcin has more than 17 years of experience in the telecom and new technology sector. Now working for Orange Labs Poland managing team focused on new cross domain services, product research and implementation strongly focus on architecture telecom BSS and OSS systems. Previously under his lead project introduces agile frameworks on enterprise level for IT side as Agile Prototyping Unit Manager. Before joining Orange PL in 2008 he worked as Leading Billing Architect for GTP.

During work for Telekomunikacja Polska Group part of France Telecom Group, in last year’s worked on key operational position in all billing and CRM related initiatives. During career working as analytic, programmer, project leader, team manager for new product configuration and development, leading architect for billing area in TPG, manager. Focusing on telecom market with strong technology knowledge and very well understanding business needs.

Supervising Oracle BRM and Intec project preparation and implementation process (Architecture and Business Processes), CSG Kenan implementation in TPG and taking care of strategy development and deployment for billing area for FTG. Orchestrating architecture of all new project and development in billing area in TPG. Managing CRM analytical-developers team for Orange PL. Now focusing on innovation and agile approach, addressing wide scope of system to speed-up new product delivery time using agile related approach.


Discussion panel: Using the Network to build compelling application

Looking at the latest Network APIs and support from major Communications Service Providers, the panel will discuss interesting applications, business models, revenues share, and deployment models. While android and iphone dominate the mobile app market, this panel will looks at all applications that could be enhanced with communications for revenue generating enterprise apps or compelling consumer apps.

Organizers & Key partners
