Szczepan Faber

Szczepan Faber is a core developer at Gradle ( His helpless addiction to test automation & pure code gave the world the Mockito framework. His relentless passion for state of the art developer tooling brought him to the Gradle gang.
Szczepan evangelized XP with ThoughtWorks, led teams and agile transitions at Sabre. Now, he is busy implementing the next era build tool and consulting enterprises with automation challenges (
From the wiki: "Eating your own dog food, also called dogfooding, is a slang term used to reference a scenario in which a company (usually, a computer software company) uses its own product to demonstrate the quality and capabilities of the product."
Gradle aspires to be the best project automation tool. It would be fun to look at how the Gradle team eats its own dog food. We'll start from delicious automation of developer's everyday tasks and move on to continuous delivery goodies like change promotion, build pipeline and one-click release. Delivered by Szczepan Faber, core dev at Gradle and helpless test automation addict who gave you Mockito. See you at the talk!