Freaks of the Freaks
Freaks of the Freaks: Talking About Minorities in IT
Discussion panel moderated by: Justyna Walkowska
The session will start with short talks by two motivated women: Jessika Kerr and Kamila Sidor; but this year we will not limit ourselves solely to the issue of female empowerment. The invited panelists, together with the audience, will have a chance to discuss the gender/racial/cultural(im)balance of the IT community. Is the current sex ratio natural? Are opportunities equal? Why are those few people making so much fuss? Should diversity be fostered? Is there a gain somewhere? Or should we all just grow white beards? We hope to make the panel both inspiring and concrete. Come to listen, learn, and share your ideas.
Kamila Sidor
Jessica Kerr
Steve Poole
Trisha Gee
Justyna Walkowska

Programmer at Samsung, a researcher who after some delay finally defended her thesis in computational linguistics, a translator, and a blogg(...)