
Conference Day I | Conference Day II | Conference Day III | OpenSpaces

Conference Day II - Thursday 16th May
Time Room 1 Room 6 Room 10 Room 12
08:30 - 09:00 Registration and breakfast
09:00 - 10:00 Oliver Wolf
CQRS for Great Good
Mark Addy
Thomas Eichstädt-Engelen,
Kai Kreuzer
Home Automation using OpenHAB
Oliver Gierke
Data Access 2.0? Please welcome - Spring Data!
10:00 - 10:20 Coffee Break
10:20 - 11:20 Jessica Kerr
Object-Oriented Design In the Wild
Manik Surtani
NoSQL for the application developer
Gerrit Grunwald
Who let the dogs out... JavaFX on Embedded
Lars George
HBase - an introduction
11:20 - 11:40 Break
11:40 - 12:40 Piotr Wyczesany
DDD/CQRS/ES in practice - Axon to the rescue
Simon Willnauer
With a hammer in your hand… ElasticSearch
Matthias Weßendorf
Mobile Clients for JavaEE
Tom Bujok
SOAP sucks, doesn't it?
12:40 - 13:30 Lunch Break
13:30 - 14:30 Trisha Gee
What do you mean, backwards compatibility?
Leonid Igolnik
Machine learning for a busy developer
Grzegorz Kossakowski
Type safe JSON using Scala Macros
Shaun Smith
Java Persistence From NoSQL to HTML5 (and Back)
14:30 - 14:40 Break
14:40 - 15:40 Sławek Sobótka
Model is all you need
Lars George
HBase - Advanced Concepts
Douglas Tait, Marcin Nowak
Building mobile apps using network assets
Stefan Tilkov
Web development you are doing it wrong
15:40 - 16:00 Coffee Break
16:00 - 17:00 Discussion panel
Using the Network to build compelling application
Steve Millidge
Big Data or Fast Data?
Sam Newman
Surfing The Event Stream
Oleg Zhurakousky
High Speed Continuous & Reliable Data Ingest into
17:00 - 17:10 Break
17:10 - 18:10 Joel Spolsky
The Cultural Anthropology of Stack Exchange

Keynote will be held in room 1 and transmitted to room 5.

Schedule may change without prior notice.

20:00 - 22:00+ Java Beer Sprint Speakers dinner

Organizers & Key partners
